"Brenda Starr #3" is a comic book published by Hillman Periodicals in 1948. The issue features the continuing adventures of Brenda Starr, a glamorous and talented reporter who is always on the lookout for the next big story.In this issue, Brenda finds herself caught up in a dangerous plot involving a group of criminals who are trying to steal a valuable gemstone from a wealthy socialite. Along the way, she teams up with her trusted colleague Chuck Allen, as well as a mysterious foreign spy who may be able to help them crack the case.The issue is notable for its fast-paced action, as well as its sharp dialogue and engaging characters. Brenda Starr is a charismatic and resourceful protagonist who is always one step ahead of her enemies, and her adventures are a thrill ride from start to finish.Overall, "Brenda Starr #3" is a classic example of the Golden Age of comics, with its vibrant artwork and compelling storytelling. It is a must-read for fans of adventure comics and strong female characters.
"Brenda Starr #3" is a comic book published by Hillman Periodicals in 1948. The issue features the continuing adventures of B...