"Captain Marvel and the Lieutenants of Safety" #1, published by Fawcett Comics in 1950, is an exciting comic book that features the legendary superhero, Captain Marvel, and his team of young assistants, the Lieutenants of Safety. In this issue, readers can join the team as they tackle four thrilling adventures, including stopping a sinister plot to steal top-secret government documents, preventing an assassination attempt on the President of the United States, investigating a spooky old house, and rescuing a kidnapped victim. With plenty of action, adventure, and heroism, "Captain Marvel and the Lieutenants of Safety" #1 is a classic comic book that will leave readers of all ages entertained and captivated. Don't miss out on this exciting installment of the beloved superhero series!"
"Captain Marvel and the Lieutenants of Safety" #1, published by Fawcett Comics in 1950, is an exciting comic book that featur...