In a world on the brink of extinction, humanity's relentless destruction has pushed Earth to its final days. Amidst this apocalyptic backdrop, where society has crumbled and despair reigns, the creator of this world grieves over the impending doom. Witnessing the depth of human sins, he prepares to pronounce a final judgment that will decide Earth's fate. He must perform the Last Trial, a final test to determine humanity's true worth.
In the midst of this celestial reckoning, a young man with a mysterious past embarks on a dangerous journey. Driven by a personal quest, he navigates through the anarchic remnants of society to rescue his father, who has been kidnapped by malevolent forces of this world. This journey is not just a fight for survival, but a test of his own humanity in a world overrun by cruelty and evil.
In a world on the brink of extinction, humanity's relentless destruction has pushed Earth to its final days. Amidst this apoc...